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8 Little Things You Need To Do About Daily Dental Care
8 tips for maintaining oral healthIn fact, good living habits are the cheapest and most effective way to protect your teeth. The following article will tell you in detail how to maintain oral health and make your teeth beautiful and healthy from ten aspects.1. Choose the right toothbrush.According to the size and quality of each person’s teeth, you should choose a toothbrush that suits your own teeth, and brush your teeth every day, so the choice of toothbrush is also very important. Some people’s teeth are more sensitive to acid, so don’t use a hard toothbrush, try to choose a soft toothbrush, and some people have relatively large teeth, so you can choose a toothbrush with more bristles. 2. Brush your teeth for at least two minutesNot counting wisdom teeth, there are generally 28 teeth and each tooth has three sides, a total of 84 tooth sides, and each side is brushed for less than two seconds within two minutes. If you want to achieve a better brushing effect, two minutes may not be enough. 3. The range of brushing teeth should not be too large.Plaque tends to grow in the middle and lower 1/3 of the teeth near the gums and even in the gap between the teeth and gums. The bristles are placed at the junction of the teeth and gums at an angle of 45 degrees to remove plaque most effectively.4. Choose a fluoride toothpaste.Fluoride toothpaste can effectively prevent dental caries. Just brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste will not cause excessive intake of fluoride. According to the latest guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics, as long as the baby's first tooth erupts, fluoride toothpaste should be used. 5. Pay attention to the amount of toothpaste you use.According to the size of the mouth of an adult, the amount of toothpaste is about one centimeter. When children under the age of six brush their teeth, adults should urge them to spit out the foam. 6. Remember to brush your tongue after brushing your teeth.Some substances on the tongue coating can cause tooth decay, periodontitis, etc., and bacterial metabolites can also cause bad breath. After brushing your teeth, stick out your tongue, brush your tongue lightly with the rubber tongue on the back of the toothbrush or a special tongue scraper, and repeat several times. Try to scrape as far as the root of the tongue, but you may feel sick, so practice slowly. 7. Mouthwash is not a substitute for brushing your teeth.Mouthwash can wash away some soft dirt from food, and produce a certain antibacterial effect to improve bad breath. But it cannot effectively remove plaque, nor can it inhibit the growth of periodontal pathogenic bacteria. Even if you use mouthwash every day, you must brush your teeth well. 8. Clean your mouth after eating.After eating, try to rinse your mouth, brush your teeth, or floss your teeth to take away the food residue in your mouth, which can effectively prevent the growth of bacteria and prevent tooth decay.
All About Dental Braces
First of all, why do I need braces? Crooked teeth and a bad bite are problems that many people face. Uneven teeth can lead to oral hygiene problems, difficulty chewing and abnormal occlusion. Through braces, the position and bite of the teeth can be adjusted to improve oral health, making the teeth more beautiful and the bite more normal. Second, here are the types of dental braces. 1. Traditional metal bracesMetal braces are the most common and affordable option. It consists of a wire and a metal bracket that adjusts the teeth by gradually applying pressure. 2. Ceramic bracesCeramic braces are similar to metal braces, but use ceramic materials, which have better aesthetics and can be suitable for the original tooth colors. 3. Invisible bracesInvisible braces are an alternative to traditional braces. It is made of a transparent plastic material that is almost imperceptible and is suitable for patients who need minor corrections. Third, the correction processes of braces are as follows. 1. Dental evaluationBefore starting the correction, the dentist will conduct a comprehensive oral evaluation, including oral examination, photography, oral impression, etc., to understand the condition of your teeth and develop a personalized correction plan. 2. Braces installationAccording to the individual situation, the dentist will choose the appropriate type of braces and make customized braces according to the impression. Retainer installation usually requires one or more installation and adjustments. 3. Regular adjustmentsDuring the time of wearing braces, you need to go to the dentist regularly for adjustments to gradually adjust the position of your teeth. This can take months or even years, depending on the individual's correction needs. 4. Stability periodAfter the correction, it is necessary to wear a retainer for a period of time to keep the position of the teeth stable. Usually, the retainer is worn while sleeping, gradually reducing the time spent wearing it. Fourth, pay attention to the precautions for braces. 1. Teeth and braces cleaningWearing braces requires special attention to oral cleaning. Rinse your mouth and clean your teeth and braces after each meal to prevent food retention and bacterial growth. Clean your braces regularly using floss, a floss stick or a gap brush. 2. Dietary restrictionsAvoid hard and sticky food during the wearing of braces, so as not to damage the braces or cause them to fall off. Chewing hard or sticky foods can easily damage the braces and prolong the correction time. 3. Comfort with bracesWhen you start wearing braces, you may feel discomfort and mouth pain, which is normal. Gargling with warm water, applying cold compresses and wearing them correctly can reduce discomfort. 4. Regular visits and adjustmentsRegular visits and adjustments are important to ensure that the correction is progressing properly. Report discomfort or other problems to your dentist in time so that adjustments can be made. 5. Wear time and persistenceThe orthodontic process of braces takes time and patience, and you need to follow your dentist's suggestions and advice, and make regular adjustments and follow-up visits to ensure the best results. Fifth, the advantage and disadvantage of braces 1. AdvantageBraces are a proven correction method that can solve crooked teeth and occlusal problems and improve oral hygiene and appearance. 2. DisadvantageWearing braces may cause some discomfort to the mouth, which may infect the daily life of the patients. For example, it will be hard when eating and chewing food.
What kind of teeth need to be corrected?
Situations where teeth need to be corrected1. Crowded dentitionThe teeth come in and out, and there is serious crowding, which seriously affects the beauty and appearance of the patient’s teeth.2. Gap between teethIt can be seen that the front teeth are not tightly arranged, sparse, and there are gaps between teeth, which seriously affect the appearance and appearance of the patient’s front teeth.3. Protruding teethThe inclination of the front teeth is not good, whether it is protruding or inclining, it will affect the beauty of the teeth and face. The technical term is deep coverage.4. Cover too deepThis means that when the upper and lower teeth bite together, the upper teeth completely cover the lower teeth, which is less aesthetically pleasing5. UnderbiteWe all know that usually the upper front teeth are outside the lower front teeth, and the upper front teeth should cover the lower front teeth. However, some people’s upper front teeth bite into the inside of the lower front teeth, that is, anterior crossbite occurs, which also has a great impact on the appearance.From what has been discussed above, we can clearly see that the arrangement and occlusion of teeth have a great impact on the appearance of teeth and face. Only through orthodontics, rearranging the teeth, and restoring the normal alignment and occlusal alignment of the upper and lower front teeth, can the beauty of the teeth and face be regained.Generally speaking, if it is just a simple misalignment of the teeth and gaps in the dentition, it can be corrected without tooth extraction, wearing a fixed appliance, aligning the dentition, or closing the gap, and a good orthodontic effect and aesthetics can be achieved.What is the process of orthodontics?For the process of orthodontic treatment, since the tooth movement is a relatively long process, and the health of the teeth must be ensured, the speed of moving the teeth should not be too fast, otherwise it will damage the health of the teeth. Generally speaking, the correction process takes 2-3 years.The orthodontic process needs to go through the process of obtaining research data, measuring and calculating, designing a plan, and wearing orthotics. Generally, a comprehensive dental examination and treatment is required before wearing aligners, including treatment of decayed teeth, cleaning of teeth, etc.At present, the conventional method adopted in orthodontics is to bond braces on the tooth surface. According to the patient's aesthetic requirements, braces can be divided into two types, one is stainless steel and the other is ceramic. If you have higher requirements for aesthetics, it is recommended to choose to wear lingual aligners (bonded to the inner surface of the teeth) and invisible orthodontics (removable transparent braces).
How Should We Protect Our Teeth
1. Brush your teeth properlyGet your teeth brushed properly is the very first and an essential step in maintaining oral health. Brush your teeth for about 120 seconds at least two times a day. Use a soft brush and choose a toothpaste according to your preferences that suit your taste. When brushing your teeth, pay attention to the correct brushing techniques to avoid tooth damage. Use better toothbrushes and toothpastes as much as possible. Because a better toothbrush has softer brushing fur which not only can clean our teeth softly, but also does no harm to our weak teeth. And a better toothpaste is filled with effective ingredients that are beneficial for removing the bacteria from our teeth, while the low toothpaste may have the ingredients that are harmful to our health and bodies. One more thing, gently massage your gums while brushing and floss after each brush. 2. Dental FlossAlthough brushing can clean the surface of the teeth, it cannot completely remove food debris near the teeth. Therefore, it is important to floss the teeth after eating. It is said that every dentist uses floss after he or she finishing a meal. Therefore, just mimic what the right people do. But, do be careful when flossing to avoid pulling violently and damaging your gums. If possible, choose a floss stick to make it easier to use and reduce the difficulty of flossing. 3. Eat a balanced dietDiet plays an important role in dental health. Cut down on sugar and fizzy drinks and choose a healthy, balanced diet. Increase intake of foods rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, such as dairy products, nuts, fish, etc. These nutrients contribute to healthy tooth development and strong bones. 4. Control bite forceToo much bite force may cause tooth wear and receding gums. Avoid using teeth to bite hard objects, such as nut shells, ice cubes, etc. If you have problems with occlusal closure, you can consult your oral doctor for corrective methods or occlusal adjustments. 5. Avoid over-clenchingSome people unconsciously bite too much when they are stressed or nervous. This can lead to tooth fatigue and damage. Try to avoid the habit of over-clenching your teeth, and if necessary, try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, musical relaxation, or physical exercise. 6. Clean your teeth regularlyRegular dental cleaning is an important part of keeping oral health. In general, adults should go to the hospital every half a year to have their teeth cleaned. Dental cleaning can remove teeth crud from the surface of the teeth and help preclude the development of oral diseases. Regular dental cleanings also allow dentists to detect and treat potential oral health problems. 7. Stay hydrated at all timesStaying well hydrated helps with oral hygiene and saliva production. Saliva can help neutralize acidic substances, protect the surface of the teeth, and contain some antibacterial power. Therefore, drinking enough water is essential for dental and oral health. To sum up, protecting teeth requires our usual daily attention and careful care. Brushing properly, flossing regularly, keeping a nutritionally balanced diet, controlling bite force, avoiding over-clenching, regular dental cleaning and adequate water intake are all key to protecting healthy teeth. And practice good oral hygiene as much as possible.
The Basics You Need to Know About Seeing a Dentist in the US
1. You must first understand your dental insuranceBefore going to the dentist, everyone should read your insurance carefully, figure out your coverage, and understand what items you can enjoy. The most direct way is to call and ask. 2. Make an appointment with the dentistBefore making an appointment with a dentist, you can log in to your own dental insurance website, and check which in network dentists are around you (in network doctors, as the name implies, are dentists recognized by your insurance company that will pay for insurance) or you can ask your friends around you, Let everyone recommend a more reliable. 3. Going to the dentist for the first time requires some forms to fill outWhen you go to the dentist for the first time, you need to go 15 minutes in advance, and then you have to fill out some forms. Fill in your own information, including name, address, work unit, etc. The most important thing is to provide your SSN number, birthday and your dental insurance company. In this way, the dentist can enter your information into the system, and then automatically calculate the cost of each dental visit you need. In addition to repeatedly confirming basic personal information, there are also some questionnaires, such as when was the last time you checked your teeth and cleaned your teeth, mainly to let the dentist know more about your condition. 4. X-rayThe first dental visit requires an X-ray. And the insurance cover basically does an X-ray every 1-2 years. Taking X-rays allows the dentist to see the condition of your teeth more comprehensively and clearly. For example, you can see the condition of the bone, whether the position of the teeth is correct, whether there is tooth decay, whether there is bacterial infection or something. A picture is taken for every 2-4 teeth, usually 10-16 pictures are taken. The way to shoot is to let you bite something similar to a collimator in your mouth, and then adjust the angle to shoot every one of your teeth. These photos will all be stored in the dentist’s system. 5. Gum MeasurementGum measurement is mainly that the doctor pokes your gums with a thin needle to measure the gap between the gums and the bone, and the value range is 1-10. Generally speaking, 1-3 is a very healthy area. The larger the value, the more serious the tooth is infected by bacteria, and the easier it is for the tooth to fall off. The value of 10 means that it will fall out at the first touch. 6. Teeth cleaning is divided into Deep Clean and Regular CleanDeep Clean generally does less, and the insurance probably covers about 50%, and the original price ranges from about 700-1200. Deep Clean is mainly aimed at people with severe and swollen gums, or those who are going to have their teeth extracted. Because there are regulations in the United States, if patients suffer from inflammation or potential inflammation, they cannot extract their teeth, mainly to avoid infection.Regular Clean is an item covered by general insurance, and it is free twice a year. It is relatively simple without anesthesia, but there may be bleeding and discomfort at the beginning of scaling, just get used to it slowly. Regular Clean is a relatively routine dental maintenance project, mainly to clean up tartar and remove bacteria between teeth. 7. Discuss treatment options with patientsIf there is no problem with your teeth, you can leave after cleaning. If there are problems with your teeth, the doctor will generally formulate some treatment plans.
Dental Clinics or General Hospitals, That’s a Question!
First, let's look at the advantages of dental clinics. Dental clinics are usually small and focused on dental care. Due to their smaller size, clinics often offer more personalized care. Doctors and staff at dental offices often build closer relationships with patients and provide more care and attention. In addition, clinics are often more convenient and flexible, allowing appointments to be scheduled in a shorter period of time and providing quicker service at the time of visit. This is a great advantage for those who are busy with work or life. In addition to personalized care and flexible services, dental clinics also offer more professionalism. With a focus on dental care, doctors and staff at clinics are often more professional and skilled. They are experienced and may have a higher level of specialization in a particular field. This makes the clinic ideal for dealing with specific dental problems and providing high quality dental treatment. Therefore, going to a dental clinic to see a dentist is easy and convenient, and the small size of the clinic will not bring you the burden of a medical aspect and since all the patients are dental patients, you will not be disturbed by other patients which have other diseases, and the space for you to move is aso abundant as well. However, dental clinics also have some disadvantages. First, equipment and technology in clinics may be relatively few and limited. While dental offices can often provide basic dental care services, some advanced techniques and equipment may not be available if more complex treatments are required. In addition, dental offices may not be able to provide comprehensive treatment involving systemic health issues, such as collaboration with other medical specialists in specific cases. In contrast, the dental departments of large hospitals offer a few different advantages. First, large hospitals usually have more resources and advanced equipment. This means they can provide more complex and advanced dental treatment involving a wider range of dental and oral problems. In addition, the dental departments of large hospitals can often provide collaboration with other medical specialists to deal with dental issues related to whole-body health. What’s more, the dental departments of large hospitals usually have higher professional standards and quality control. Because large hospitals have more resources and more regulatory bodies, the dental sector is usually subject to stricter management and quality control. This can provide patients with greater confidence and assurance that they receive high quality dental care. However, large hospitals also have some disadvantages. First, due to their size, large hospitals are usually busier and may have to wait longer to get an appointment. In addition, dental departments in large hospitals may lack opportunities to develop intimate relationships with patients, which can lead to patients feeling a lack of personal care and attention. To sum up, whether it is a dental clinic or a large hospital, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Dental clinics offer personalized care and flexible services, while the dental departments of large hospitals have more resources and a higher level of expertise. The choice depends on the patient's specific needs and personal preferences. It is important to understand and evaluate your needs before making a decision, choose the type of dental visit that is best for you, and have in-depth communication with your dentist to ensure that you receive the right dental care.
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